Language Spoken in Milan
What language do they speak in Milan? Do they have a dialect? Will they understand me in English?
The official language spoken in Milan and the rest of Italy is Italian. However, in the Lombard region citizens also speak Milanese, a dialect of Italian.
In hotels, attractions and restaurants, you will get by in English. However, if you would like to learn a bit of Italian and make the most of your stay to practise a bit, here is a list of useful words and expressions:
- Hello/bye
- Ciao
- Goodbye
- Arrivederci
- Good morning
- Buongiorno
- Good evening
- Buonasera
- Good night
- Buona notte
- Welcome
- Benvenuto
- Please
- Per favore
- Thank you
- Grazie
- You're welcome
- Prego
- Sorry/excuse me
- Scusi
Useful expressions
- Yes
- Si
- No
- No
- Maybe
- Forse
- What?
- Che cosa?
- When?
- Quando?
- Why?
- Perché?
- Where?
- Dove?
- A lot
- Molto
- A little
- Poco
- Too much
- Troppo
- Everything
- Tutto
- Nothing
- Niente
- Do you speak English?
- Parla inglese?
- I don't understand
- Non capisco
Numbers in Italian
- Zero
- Zero
- One
- Uno
- Two
- Due
- Three
- Tre
- Four
- Quattro
- Five
- Cinque
- Six
- Sei
- Seven
- Sette
- Eight
- Otto
- Nine
- Nove
- Ten
- Dieci
Days of the week
- Monday
- Lunedì
- Tuesday
- Martedì
- Wednesday
- Miercoledì
- Thursday
- Giovedì
- Friday
- Venerdì
- Saturday
- Sabato
- Sunday
- Domenica
En el restaurante
- Do you have a table for?
- Avete una tavolo per...?
- I would like to reserve
- Vorrei riservare
- Today's special
- Piatto del giorno
- Cutlery
- Coperto
- Starters
- Antipasti
- The bill, please
- Il conto, per favore
- Butter
- Burro
- Calamari
- Calamari
- Lamb
- Agnello
- Onion
- Cipolla
- Vegetable garnish
- Contorno di verdure
- Ribs
- Cotolette
- Mussels
- Cozze
- Fruit cake
- Torta di frutta
- Dessert
- Dolce
- Liver
- Fegato
- Cheese
- Formaggio
- Strawberries
- Fragole
- Spanish omelette
- Frittata
- Seafood
- Frutti di mare
- Mushrooms
- Funghi prataioli
- Small prawns
- Gamberi
- Prawns
- Scampi
- Ice cream
- Gelato
- Salad
- Insalata
- Pork
- Maiale
- Apple
- Mela
- Mustard
- Mostarda
- Hazelnut
- Nocciola
- Nut
- Noce
- Oysters
- Ostriche
- Cream
- Panna
- Bakery
- Pasticceria
- Peppers
- Peperoni
- Fish
- Pesce
- Chicken
- Pollo
- Tomato
- Pomodoro
- Mushroom
- Funghi
- Rice
- Riso
- Risotto
- Risotto
- Veal escalope
- Scaloppine di vitello
- Cream
- Panna
- Bakery
- Pasticceria
- Peppers
- Peperoni
- Fish
- Pesce
- Chicken
- Pollo
- Cuttlefish
- Seppia
- Sole
- Sogliola
- Truffles
- Tartufi
- Tuna
- Tonno
- Trout
- Trota
- Egg
- Uovo
- Veal
- Vitello
- Clams
- Vongole
- Sugar
- Zucchero
- Soup
- Zuppa